Rensselaer Central
Primary School
  • Class Web Pages

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Letters and Sight Words
We have learned about the following letters and sight words:  


Sight Words: 

Digraphs and Vowel Patterns:  

Color Words:  brown, purple, white, blue, pink, yellow, green, orange, red, black
Homework will be sent home every Monday. Please have your child complete the activity, sign it, and return it by the end of the week.  
Specials Schedule
Monday - Library
Tuesday - Gym
Wednesday - Music
Thursday - Art
Friday - Computer
Upcoming Dates and Events

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Mrs. Clouse
Teacher Phone Number
219-866-5441 x6407

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Page Statistics
Created: Oct 7, 2012
Page Statistics
Updated: Aug 5, 2018
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Viewed 2051 times

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